Microneedling and Oral Replacement of Collagen as Strategies for Skin Rejuvenation

Author Details

Erika Santos Freire, Maria Cristina Vieira de Andrade, Monica de Albuquerque Costa, Hudson Caetano Polonini, Marcio Roberto, Nadia Rezende Barbosa Raposo

Journal Details


Published: 17 October 2019 | Article Type :


Background: Skin aging is caused by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The main clinical manifestations of photoaging are: presence of wrinkles, dilated pores, xerosis, roughness and sagging. The existing therapeutic options for photoaging treatment vary from topical agents to medical procedures. Microneedling consists of a physical stimulation performed through micropunctures in the skin, capable of inducing inflammatory response, and that results in the production of new collagen. Oral supplementation of hydrolyzed collagen to improve skin conditions has been studied.

Aims: To evaluate the microneedling technique associated with the oral supplementation of hydrolyzed collagen as skin rejuvenation strategies.

Methods: 30 volunteers were divided into 2 groups: group one (received two microneedling sessions associated with oral replacement of collagen for 6 months) and group 2 (received two microneedling sessions). Multispectral analysis of skin through Visia® equipment at 0, 30, 60 and 180 days and application of a self-perception questionnaire at 30 and 180 days were used as the evaluation method.

Results: Group 1 showed superior improvement of wrinkles in relation to group 2 (p = 0.032) and also of texture, without significance. The self-perception of significant improvement was high in both groups, but higher in group one.

Conclusion: The microneedling associated with oral collagen replacement can be considered an effective strategy in the treatment of cutaneous aging.

Keywords: Collagen; Rejuvenation; Skin Aging; Microneedling.

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How to Cite


Erika Santos Freire, Maria Cristina Vieira de Andrade, Monica de Albuquerque Costa, Hudson Caetano Polonini, Marcio Roberto, Nadia Rezende Barbosa Raposo. (2019-10-17). "Microneedling and Oral Replacement of Collagen as Strategies for Skin Rejuvenation." *Volume 2*, 2, 7-15